In The Light of God's Mercy
Our new series focuses on the truth of the gospel and how we live in light of God’s mercy. Looking at the book of Romans in the Bible (chapters 12-15) we’ll see that Paul himself lives like this. We’ll look at what it actually means to live in the light of God’s mercy and how it looks different to the world around us.
Helping when it's inconvenient
The Roman citizens lived within a system of patronage which we would recognise now as a moderate form of slavery. It meant serving with an expectation of provision and gifts. Richard reminded us of what we have already received in Jesus, and therefore encouraged us to think about helping others even when it's inconvenient without expecting anything back.
Living in the light of God’s mercy when we disagree
In Romans 14, Paul seems to say that the church should never judge one another. Marcellus asks if that is really the case?
Mercy and Church life
The mercy of God shines on all of our life. And the church community God builds from His mercy is like no other community on earth. Martin looks in particular how knowing the mercy of God impacts how we belong in church, how we serve God and how we relate to one another.
A big view of God’s mercy
As we start a new series, Martin looks at the mercy of God. What is the only appropriate response for us to make and how should that be the motivating force in our lives?