Father Heart of God
Knowing God as Father transforms our lives. It takes us into a deeper place of how much we are loved by Father God.
It changes our walk as a Christian from dutiful and religious acts to a life of amazement and joy. Joy that God would choose and love us as His Children. The God of the universe, the all-knowing, holy, all powerful, judge God would choose to adopt us as sons and daughters is amazing!
The greatest story ever told
Chris looks at what Charles Dickens called the greatest story ever told; a short story told by Jesus about how God loves us unconditionally and wants to be our father. If we live in God’s love we can experience amazing peace and even joy in the toughest of circumstances.
Do you know who your Dad is?
Sami looked at Galatians 4:4-6 and talked about how key it is to know Father God’s love for us and to let it shape our lives.